Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Ta da, here's the giveaway, i've made it so all you have to do is write 'smile' for an entry

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am so so so sorry about this give away business

So like everyone else I'm going to have to start this give away from scratch.  I am setting up a rafflecopte which you will be able to enter above this post. I might need to ask for help with P+P if you live very far away so please bare that in mind. Good luck. xx

To remind everyone.

What you can win
-Hello Kitty beany baby
-Hello Kitty eye mask
-Harajuku Lovers “Sunshine Cuties” in ‘Lil’ Angel’
-London brand false eye lashes
-Pink Bunny ankle socks
-A Cute Flannel

I'll probably add more things to it seeing as how this has been such a hassle, i want to make it up to everyone. xx